Textbook Publisher Support

Some SCCOnline courses use content or websites provided by the textbook publishers. Your textbook should contain detailed support information for the online resource used by your class. Below are links and phone numbers for the most commonly used publishers.

The access codes used by these publishers typically can only be used once and have a set length of time (often one semester). Students who purchase a used textbook, share textbooks, or retake a course may need to purchase a replacement code. The Book Inn stocks some replacement codes. The publishers also offer them online.

Cengage (MindTap and Aplia)

Dawnsign (Naturally Signing)

  • Technical support email:  support@dawnsign.com
  • Technical support phone number:  (858) 625-0600 option 1

Elsevier (Evolve)



Hawkes Learning


Macmillan (Launchpad)

McGraw-Hill (Connect, MH Campus)

Paradigm/EMC (SNAP, NavPlus)

Pearson (MyMathLab, MySpanishLab, MyITLab, etc.)

W.W. Norton (Inquizitive)